The Dominican Republic and Haiti were jointly present at the important international event Salon du Chocolat 2022 in Paris, France, which took place from October 28 to November 1, 2022. This is the largest event dedicated to the chocolate industry with more than 200 exhibitors from different countries filling the more than 20,000 square meters of Pavilion 5 at Porte de Versailles.
Participating companies from Haiti were AYITIKA SA, cocoa and chocolate producers, and the Federation of Cocoa Cooperatives of the North (FECCANO), a federation of eight cooperatives producing cocoa in northern Haiti. Participating from the Dominican Republic were Chocolala SRL, a cooperative of women cocoa and chocolate producers in Puerto Plata; Grupo CONACADO, one of the country’s largest cocoa producers and processors with more than 33 years of experience; ProAgro, a medium-sized company expanding into international markets with its production of chocolate powder and its La Criollita brand; and Recursos Globales, a family business noted for its CacaoMae brand that produces chocolate and other cocoa-derived products.
These six companies were just a few of the many that make up the Binational Cocoa/Chocolate Value Chain that Caribbean Export launched as part of the actions it implements within the framework of the Trade and Private Sector Support Component of the Binational Cooperation Program between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This initiative is part of the actions of the expanded strategy that seeks to improve the private-private binational dialogue, as well as to improve the competitiveness of Haitian and Dominican companies with a view to consolidating institutional cooperation between the two countries. The actions of this program are supported technically and financially by the European Union through the 11th European Union Program. European Development Fund. Caribbean Export’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Leo Naut reported that: “The Binational Cocoa/Chocolate Value Chain covers the entire spectrum of the industry, with cocoa producers, cocoa processors and renowned chocolatiers among its beneficiaries. At the Salon du Chocolat, the participating companies received a great reception from the public present, and have also had the opportunity to establish ties with potential business partners in the European Union and other relevant markets”.