
who we are

We implement a range of innovative and focused initiatives designed to facilitate Caribbean businesses expansion nationally, regionally and internationally into high value markets whilst taking advantage of special market access. We assist businesses that have the export potential or are already exporting to increase their capacity and competitiveness, to boost export earnings and create precious jobs.


To be the driving force behind the Caribbean's economic transformation by enabling a globally competitive and resilient private sector.


To strengthen the Caribbean private sector by providing targeted strategic support, mobilizing resources, and building impactful partnerships that drive innovation, resilience and sustainable economic growth.

Our History

For over 20 years we have been implementing a range of innovative and focused initiatives designed to facilitate Caribbean businesses expansion nationally, regionally and internationally into high value markets whilst taking advantage of special market access. We assist businesses that have the export potential or are already exporting to increase their capacity and competitiveness, to boost export earnings and create precious jobs.

Our Evolution

1988CARICOM Export Development Project (CEDP)
1996Caribbean Export Development Agency
PresentWe serve the 15 States of the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM)

what We Do

Building sustainable businesses across the Region in areas that will have the most impact on their competitiveness is key to achieving economic transformation.

We provide a range of services that support businesses in the following areas:

  • Digital transformation and e-commerce,
  • Adoption of green energy and energy efficiency practices,
  • Enhancing operational efficiency to remain relevant in an increasingly competitive marketplace, and
  • Conforming to international standards and certifications.

what We Offer

The Caribbean is home to more than 23 million people with a diverse cadre of businesses operating in a multitude of sectors. We work closely with businesses to increase exports and attract investment. Our target sectors for export include: Agro-processing (incl. nutraceuticals), light manufacturing, green economy, blue entrepreneurship and non-tourism related services.

Our Team

Damie Sinanan

Executive Director

Leo Naut

Deputy Executive Director 

Lisa Rodriguez

Manager, Operations

Wayne Elliott

Manager Technical Programmes

