Published: 25 Apr, '22

Caribbean Export Ready to Deliver Invaluable Support to Suriname

2 Min Read

Last week (April 20-22) Caribbean Export moved ahead with charting their new path of support with the Surinamese private sector. 

An intensive three-day mission to Suriname to advance programming quickly came on the heels of the recently held discussions with the high-level delegation that visited Caribbean Export’s Headquarters in Barbados on April 7, 2022. 

The Caribbean Export team followed-up discussions with H.E Rishma Kuldipsingh – Minister of Economic Affairs, Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation and H.E. Parmanand Sewdien -Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries and their respective teams.  During the mission, the team also met with officials from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the Ministry of Finance, the Suriname Trade and Industry Association and others to discuss priority areas in agriculture, trade and investment.  

Caribbean Export agreed on several areas of support, including commissioning a study of the export potential for the poultry industry, advancing discussions on the first ever Suriname Virtual Investment Forum, Market Intelligence Training for Business Support Organisations and assistance for their Creatives Industries Forum in November 2022. The team members also shared their expert advice on packaging investment opportunities and the Suriname Investment & Trade Agency’s products. 

Dr. Damie Sinanan, Manager of Competitiveness and Export Promotion expressed satisfaction at the level of progress made during the short visit and shared that ‘new programming initiatives focused on building the capacity of the Surinamese private sector would be executed as early as July 2022’.   

The technical team led by Dr. Damie Sinanan included Suzette Hudson, Senior Advisor- Investment Promotion and Mikaela Stoute– Research Officer. 

Follow Caribbean Export on Twitter for updates. 
