Published: 21 May, '21

Inaugura Centro de Diseño Digital para Artesanías en Santo Domingo

Source: Caribbean Export
  • Caribbean Export and the European Union support the development of the handicraft sector in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
  • The Digital Design Center to facilitate the enhancement of the handicraft value chain between the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
  • The new facility provides a state-of-the-art learning environment for design students and teachers.

Caribbean Export Development Agency, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development of the Dominican Republic (MEPyD), the Office of the National Authorizing Officer for European Development Funds in Haiti (BONFED), The National Center for Handicrafts (CENADARTE), The Directorate for the Promotion of Handicrafts of the Vice Ministry of Promotion of MIPYMES of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MIPYMES formally opened the Digital Design Center for Handicrafts (CDDA) located in one of the classrooms of the National Center of Crafts (CENADARTE) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on Wednesday May 19, 2021.

This Digital Design Center aims to improve the technical skills of its teachers, as well as the quality of its students’ learning, ensuring a more fluid interaction between the institution and other national and international actors in the sector.

As its main function, the Digital Design Center will foster the virtual environment of comprehensive learning, development of skills, talented work and designs, 2D, 3D visual computer technologies while creating an environment for effective production of crafts. The new space has all the technological equipment necessary to facilitate the development of the value chain of handicrafts in both Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

During the event, an inter-institutional agreement protocol between the National Center for Handicrafts of the Dominican Republic (CENARDATE) and the National School of Art of Haiti (ENARTS) will be signed.   This agreement fosters the exchange experience and knowledge through the assistance offered by the Digital Design Center (for Handicraft CDDA) for students from both nations.

The activity is financed by the Trade and Private Sector Component of the Haiti-Dominican Republic Binational Program, under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), implemented by Caribbean Export.

The event was part of the actions of the expanded strategy that leads to improving the quality of the goods produced in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, as well as the consolidation of institutional cooperation between both countries.


Pictured from left to right: Mrs. Alba Diaz-Officer in Charge, Subregional Office Caribbean Export, Mr. Selvido Candelaria-Director, National Center for Handicraft (CENADARTE), Mrs. Olaya Dotel –Vice-Minister of MEPyD and National Authorizing Officer of the European Funds in DR. Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development of the Dominican Republic, H.E.  Gianluca Grippa-Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union to the Dominican Republic, Mr. Cristian Hernández-Director Services MIPYMES, Ministry of Industry, Trade and SMEs of the Dominican Republic.
