Published: 28 May, '21

Caribbean Export – Support to the Private Sector in a Post Covid-19 Context

Source: Caribbean Export

Caribbean Export Development Agency, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development of the Dominican Republic (MEPyD), organized a Webinar to present the new vision of Caribbean Export and to present to the SMEs private sector of the Dominican Republic the work carried out by the Agency, especially the post covid measures taken to support SMEs of the region.

Vice Minister, Ms. Olaya Dotel Caraballo of the MEPyD expressed that SMEs are a fundamental part of the economy, playing a key role in accelerating economic growth and reducing poverty. In this regard, the Vice Minister congratulated Caribbean Export for doing key work to promote trade and investment in the Caribbean region and supporting the private sector with emphasis on the development of the SMEs. Ms. Dotel highlighted that “despite the challenges that the Agency has had to face due to the pandemic, it has continued to implement its programs through new tools adapted to the new times.”

The head of the European Union Delegation in the Dominican Republic, Ambassador Mr. Gianluca Grippa, welcomed the new Executive Director of Caribbean Export, Mr. Deodat Maharaj and congratulated the initiative of the webinar indicating that the “COVID19 has impacted us, it has shown in the most acute way the vast remains that as nations we must face without rest, it has also allowed us to work as an international community to mitigate this pandemic in solidarity.”

Ambassador Grippa also said that the world continues to face major challenges such as improving the technical capacities of public and private trade support organizations, strengthening national productive structures, and promoting exports.

Mr. Deodat Maharaj, Executive Director of Caribbean Export presented the new vision of the Agency focused on the three areas; Export Promotion and Development for SMEs supporting business across the CARIFORUM Caribbean to take advantage of unique opportunities such as the EPAs, Investment Promotion and Services as the next frontier for Caribbean businesses. Maharaj thanked the EU delegation for partnering with the Agency and focusing on the development of SMEs.

The webinar featured the participation of high-level participants such as Mr. Jorge Morales, Vice Minister of Promotion of MIPYMES of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MIPYMES and Mr. Porfirio Peralta, General Director of PROMIPYME (National Council for the Promotion and Support of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises). Mr. Morales welcomed this initiative and the support that Caribbean Export has been giving to SMEs, especially during these difficult times.

More than seventy participants attended the event including representatives from BSOs, the Public Sector of the Dominican Republic and SMEs.

During the webinar Caribbean Export informed to the participants the new vision, opportunities and support for the private sector post Covid-19, including grants, capacity building, export and investment promotion, within the framework of the RPSDP and the Haiti-DR Binational Programme. In addition, a new grants programme will be launched in the coming days, for more information please visit the Agency website at
