Published: 08 Oct, '18

Invest in our Youth Today. Create a Better Tomorrow

Source: Caribbean Export

The Caribbean is a youthful region, with over 60% of the population under the age of 30 years.  The inclusion of youth is central to region’s economic development and as such the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) in cooperation with the European Union are supporting 8 youth owned agro-processing businesses from across the CARIFORUM to participate in the Caribbean Week of Agriculture’s Market Place.

Caribbean Export will have a pavilion (located at E 14) where attendees will be able to see a range of products manufactured by youth owned business.  This showcase of innovative products using the region’s finest natural resources includes Red Diamond Compost – Barbados; Naturindas Foods – Barbados; Kayaweng Women Agro-Processors – Guyana; Big G’s – Dominica; Natural Fusion Partners – Jamaica; Cacoa Sainte Lucie – Saint Lucia; Sugar Town Organics – St Kitts And Nevis and Farmer’s Farm Ltd – Trinidad and Tobago.

In addition to the pavilion, Caribbean Export will host a session on intellectual property rights and branding for agropreneurs.  This introductory session will explain intellectual property and how trademarks and design can be used as branding tools, amongst others.  Exhibitors and attendees of the Market Place interested in attending must register online at the Caribbean Export Website.

The Caribbean Week of Agriculture (CWA) provides an excellent platform for youth in agro-processing to network and promote their goods and services while giving them a voice in industry discussions.
