Published: 13 Apr, '22

Suriname Advance Relations with Caribbean Export to Boost Trade

Source: Nation News
  • Government of Suriname delegation hold high-level talks with Caribbean Export
  • Suriname to establish a regional distribution hub in Barbados
  • Caribbean Export commits to supporting Surinamese businesses with a range of bespoke interventions

H.E. Albert Ramdin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation underscored the immense opportunity for export at a high-level meeting between the Government of Suriname and the Caribbean Export Development Agency held on Thursday April 7, at the Agency’s headquarters in Barbados.

The delegation including H.E. Armand Achaibersing, Minister of Finance and Planning and H.E. Parmanand Sewdien, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries together with other senior government officials and representatives of the Surinamese private sector sought to lay the framework and support mechanisms to facilitate export to Barbados and the wider Caribbean through deepening their cooperation with the regional export development agency.

“Caribbean export is highly necessary…as we are trying to reboot our economy [and] export is a major part of that” shared Min. Ramdin.

With opportunities in the export of food produce from Suriname Min. Ramdin shared his vision for the creation of a regional distribution center in Barbados that is able to leverage the Caribbean Single Market Economy (CSME) and support integration of the region.

“As a processing zone, it’s a great benefit to Suriname as it will create income, export opportunities, employment… and only by working together we believe the countries in the Caribbean can perform better” shared Min. Ramdin.

During the meeting Min. Ramdin also expressed the need to remove non-tariff barriers to facilitate regional trade and it is hoped that enhanced relations with Caribbean Export will enable more Surinamese businesses to leverage the support available through the Agency’s range of interventions that are funded by the European Union via the 11th EDF (European Development Fund) Regional Private Sector Development Programme.

Executive Director at Caribbean Export Deodat Maharaj, shared his enthusiam for the the renewed engagement with Suriname as the Agency focusses on promoting Caribbean trade globally and steering foreign direct investment to the region.

“We are excited to work with our Surinamese counterparts to build the export competitiveness of the private sector as well as attract foreign direct investment into Suriname”

The government of Suriname will be establishing the Suriname Investment and Trade Agency (SITA) in the coming months to support the country‘s private sector.  Caribbean Export made a commitment to work with Suriname to coordinate a range of interventions including an investment forum, workshops on the EPA to increase understanding in the private sector and the development of enhanced trade platforms such as e-commerce.  In addition a conference of the creative industries is pegged for the final quarter of the year to boost trade in the culture, creative and youth sectors.
