Regional Private Sector Development Programme

Term: 5 Years
Value: $28.37 Million
Funded By:partner logo


The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) implemented the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP), which began in 2017 and ended in 2023.

The overall objective of the programme was to increase employment creation, inclusiveness – particularly for youth, women and indigenous groups and reduce overall poverty in CARIFORUM States. Through targeted interventions, the Agency sought to achieve three specific objectives in support of the overall goal:

    1. To build private sector capacity at the firm level to increase export competitiveness;

    1. To strengthen business support organizations (BSOs) capacity to provide greater support to the private sector; and

    1. To strengthen regional mechanisms aimed at promoting effective public-private dialogue (PPD) to develop a more effective business enabling environment.

Implementation of the 11th EDF Regional Private Sector Development Programme

CARIFORUM Country Impact Reports 2017-2022

The CARIFORUM country briefs provide information on Caribbean Export’s support to private sector development in each country under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP) during 2017 -2022.



A DAGS beneficiary, the Caribbean Paper Company has expanded its business operations and is now trading in 14 countries.

The Agency’s support has positively impacted DAGS beneficiary Ruth’s Place and helped the firm to weather the storm during COVID-19.

In 2020 DAGS recipient Tenderoni Foods Inc. grew by 25%, and the Executive Chairman directly attributes this growth to the DAGS.

Lamblion Holiday Apartments, a subsidiary of DAGS recipient Lambion Group Co., used the funding to implement green practices and become Green Globe Certified.

Case Studies

As a DAGS 2018 recipient, Young Island Resort increased revenue and sales (including export sales) by 16%. Learn more about the impact of the grant funding.

Cummings Wood Products has seen increased yield from raw materials by 20% after implementation of the Direct Assistance Grant Scheme (DAGS). Download the case study to see how the DAGS impacted the company’s operations.

Coffee Solutions Limited saw a 15% increase in export sales and a 10% increase in revenue after the implementation of the DAGS. Download to learn more.

The Direct Assistance Grant Scheme (DAGS) has been instrumental in helping to equip Dawson Trading Company Limited with the provisions needed to propel it into its next stage of growth. Learn more here.

Fiberpol Inc. productive capacity and efficiency was enhanced by 15% because of the Direct Assistance Grant Scheme (DAGS). Learn more here.

