Caribbean Business Angel Network
While individual angels are incredibly important, few prospective angels have the time, know-how or financial resources to participate in multiple investments acting alone. As a result, angel networks have emerged as a method for providing an introductory service to potential deals, connecting like-minded individuals to share the workload, accessing the collective wisdom of others and syndication of deals. As such angel networks often overcome the many challenges associated with solo investing and investing in risky environments, such as emerging markets like the Caribbean.
The Caribbean Business Angel Network (CBAN) aims to improve access to investment opportunities throughout the Caribbean, for angel investors. It is focused on connecting investors with start-up, early-stage and growth companies seeking finance; increasing Caribbean deal flow.
If you are an investor interested in angel investing and would like to learn more about forming a local investors group in your region, Caribbean Export (via CBAN) can offer technical assistance or advisory support. Please contact us via [email protected] if interested.
Investors should join CBAN because it focuses on supporting investors seeking promising entrepreneurs in the Caribbean.
Why join CBAN?
- Gain access to pre-screened Pan-Caribbean deal flow
- Network with like-minded investors through the online platform as well as at periodic events such as angel investing workshops and conferences
- Gain access to resources for angel investors including sample investment documents, best practice materials and other knowledge resources
- Receive assistance with new group formation and development
- Showcase their businesses to accredited angel investors
- Gain access to international industry level knowledge on angel investing
- Be offered assistance in the preparation of pitches
- Be offered follow-up support during the deal negotiation
Who should join CBAN?
- Regionally- or internationally-based investors including:
- Angel groups and networks: individuals must be members of an angel investor group/network made up of accredited investors[1];
- Early-stage institutional investors including but not limited to, venture capital firms, SME funds, and impact investors; and
- Accredited individual investors/syndicates as per the standards set in the country in which the investment is to be made and be able to pass a background check.
- Start-ups or companies that:
- Are legally registered in and/or operating in a CARIFORUM country;
- Are actively seeking angel or other private investment;
- Have the potential to scale up quickly and have a clear plan of action to do so; and
- Has a product/service almost ready to go to market and can show evidence of customer demand.
[1] An accredited investor, in the context of a natural person, includes anyone who earned an income level or possesses an accumulated net worth sufficient to the standards set in a specific country. Thresholds vary by country. For the purposes of CBAN, standards will be applied based on those in the country in which the investee is domiciled/registered. If the country does not have regulating standards, the standards set out in the laws of Barbados, where Caribbean Export and CBAN are domiciled, shall be applied.