Fashion Accelerator Programme
This project focuses on improving access to market by regional designers. It entails an accelerator programme that prepares regional designers for the international market and facilitates the implementation of a go-to market strategy for selected designers. Twenty (20) designers will be involved in the boot camp aspect of the accelerator project: at least one designer from each CARIFORUM state as well as Curacao, Aruba, Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana. Through a selection process, approximately ten (10) will be chosen to participate in selected showrooms and market places.
The project will be divided into four phases outlined below. The final phase, which will be facilitated under the Caribbean Fashion Showroom brand, supports attendance at the international market places. In addition, to the persons participating in the capacity building actions, designers that are already exporting will also be taken to trade fairs and market places. The go-to-market aspect of the project will be done at two stages, prior to the capacity building exercise the already exporting will be taken to market places by the placement of their designs in showroom and at trade fairs.
Criteria for selection will be established in phase 1 together with collaborating partners.
Phase 1- Consultant selection and workshop design
- Consultant selection
- Market placement
- Capacity building for des
Phase 2- Workshop
- Designer selection
- Workshop implementation
- Men’s fashion
- Women’s fashion
- Market placement
- Shopping your brand
- Brand development
- Social media for a successful brand launch
- Trade shows and show room business
- Export readiness
- What do buyers look for?
- Mentor assignment
Phase 3- Mentorship
- Export planning
- Design/ refinement of a collection
- Securing finance for market entry and export
- Manufacturing options (DR/Haiti)
Phase 4- Go to market
- Selection of markets/events
- Selection of designers/designs to participate in International markets
- Set up Market places/Events
- Participation at market places/Events
For more information contact Allyson Francis – Services Specialist at [email protected]