
The Direct Assistance Grant Scheme (DAGS)

DAGS is a reimbursement grant funding facility specifically designed to provide financial assistance to legally regisDAGS is a reimbursement grant funding facility specifically designed to provide financial assistance to legally registered firms/individuals/Business Support Organisations (BSOs) with the potential to export their products and services. DAGS is a reimbursement facility which means that no monies are advanced to beneficiaries and they will have to incur the full cost of their projects and be reimbursed on completion of their projects. A grant may not be awarded retrospectively. The objective of DAGS is as follows:

  • Opening new markets; increasing exports to the Caribbean Region and/or other International Markets
  • Lowering production costs
  • Identifying new sources of supply for raw materials or other inputs
  • Increasing productivity through training and personnel development
  • Facilitating Trade Mark, Intellectual Property and Copyright Protection
  • Reducing environmental impact
  • Capitalising on the benefits of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), CARICOM Single Market Economy (CSME), CARICOM-Dominican Republic FTA or any other bilateral or multilateral arrangements signed by the region within the region or with ACP or EU partners
  • Fostering intra-regional cooperation to enhance productivity and capitalise on economies of scale
  • Promoting programmes which will impact on underdeveloped areas or disadvantage sectors within the region (e.g. rural area development and gender).

Caribbean Export accepted grant proposal applications in the below categories for the 3rd Call for Proposals:

  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (environmental systems);
  • Marketing and Promotions (branding, packaging & design, website design, brochures, etc.);
  • Investment Readiness (research and development, innovation, technological upgrade, market testing, etc.);
  • Equipment Purchase & Upgrade;
  • Certification (standards, regulations, etc.);
  • Capacity Building (training programmes);
  • Tradeshows (booth costs & registration fees); and
  • Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (registration of trademarks, patents, etc.).

This Call for Proposals is now closed.
